Presentation of Sustainability Groups

Presentation of Sustainability Groups

The foundation of our network: You, us and everyone else

Tuesday, 15 June 14:30 - 15:30 und 16:00 - 16:30 (CEST)

We would be pleased if each of the sustainability groups could be briefly introduced by a representative using a slide presentation (powerpoint etc.). This should be less about specific sustainability topics and more about you as a group.

  • Max. 3 min
  • Max. 3 slides
    • Who are we? Brief overview of members
    • What do we do? Short overview of topics & activities - you can refer to posters of your sustainability group.
    • If applicable, special information: our group outing, our great website, cooperation projects with other institutes, our contribution to the Christmas party etc.
  • You will show your presentation via screen share within Zoom.
  • For backup but also for our archive, please upload your presentation here: (simply by Drag & Drop or by clicking on the large plus (+) on the upper left corner).
  • Sustainability Groups will be presented according to the order below
  • During presentation all members of the Sustainability Groups should switch on their camera, but microphone switched off. Only presenter should have their microphone switched on.

Please indicate in your registration, if your sustainability group would like to introduce themselves briefly. This information should only be provided by one participant in the registration process to avoid duplication - check with each other!

Sustainability Groups

MPI for Astrophysics, Munich/Garching

Presented by Andreas Weiss

MPI of Quantum Optics, Munich/Garching

Presented by Benjamin Schiffer

MPI for Physics, Munich

Presented by Tim Brunst

General Administration Munich

Presented by Frank Havemann

MPI of Biochemistry, Munich/Martinsried

Presented by Sabine Suppmann

MPI of Animal Behavior, Konstanz

Presented by Bianca Schell

MPI for Astronomy, Heidelberg

Presented by Jan Rybizki

MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg

Presented by Moyu Watari-Alvarez

MPI for Chemistry, Mainz

Presented by Marco Wietzoreck

MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg

Presented by Francesca Severi

MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main

Presented by Adolfo Giuliani

MPI for Iron Reseach, Düsseldorf

Presented by Liam Huber

MPI for the Science of Human History, Jena

Presented by Anja Hannawald

MPI for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg

Presented by Andreas Voigt

MPI for Infection Biology, Berlin

Presented by Christian Denkhaus

Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, Italy

Presented by Dorit Malz

Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, Jupiter, USA

Presented by Clara Tepohl

MPI for Solar System Research, Göttingen

Presented by Vincent Böning

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