Sustainability Groups
Making science sustainable at your local institute!
The Max Planck Sustainability Network counts several hundred members - scientists, as well as technical and administrative personnel - from over 60 different Max Planck Institutes.
Sustainability groups at Max Planck Institutes develop ideas how to make the research work at their institutes groups more sustainable. Projects and measeures are proposed and discussed with with directors, administration and other colleagues prior implementation. The work of the sustainability groups is carried out to a large extent on an honorary basis.
Possible fields of actions are:
- Energy
- Mobility
- Supplies & Waste
- Biodiversity & Food
If you want to contribute to make your institute more sustainable, join you local sustainable group! Check our wiki to see if there is already a sustainability group at your institute. If there is no sustainability group, then start one!
The Max Planck Sustainability groups present themselves
Become the Local Chair of your institute!
In Appendix 1 of the Statutes the Steering Committee provides a Best Practice for how to elect the Local Chair of the Sustainablity Group.
After election, please communicate your Local Chair alongside with how the person got elected and a contact email address to