Sustainability in the MAX MAG

October 30, 2021

The Communications Department of the MPG publishes the staff magazine “MAX MAG”. The Communications Department is also very committed to a sustainable transformation of the MPG, and many staff members from the MPG's Press and Communications Department are involved in the Max Planck Sustainability Network. The communications department has dedicated the current issue (October 2021) to sustainability, which we are very pleased about. Of course, the Max Planck Sustainability Network is also involved!

  • In demand: interviews with network members: Ideas, wishes and goals

  • CO2 Evaluierung am MPI für Astronomie in Heidelberg und MPI für Physik in München: Wie viel CO2 verbraucht mein Institut eigentlich und welche Tätigkeiten haben den größten Einfluss?

The MAX MAG also reports on other sustainability activities at the MPG:

  • Presidential Commission on Climate Change: opportunities and obstacles

  • Sustainable building: Pilot projects show what is possible

  • Biotopes at MPIs: Every MPI has its own biotope for more diversity and identity

  • PhDnet's lab waste analysis: What could I recycle and what could I replace?

Many thanks to all colleagues from the network who contributed to this great issue of MAX MAG:

Und einen besonderen Dank an die Kolleg*innen der Kommunikationsabteilung für dieses großartige MAX MAG!

You can find a printed version of the MAX MAG at your institute or online - even more ecological and faster - here:

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