Working Groups for the Catalogue of Recommendations
Please come here on Wednesday, 16:45 (CET) / 10:45 (ET)
At the 1st Workshop "Sustainability in the Max Planck Society" 2019 in Magdeburg we had decided to compile a Catalogue of Recommendations (CoRe). The sessions in this meeting shall give us the option to continue our work in the respective fields.
Working Group Energy
Moderator: Tanguy Fardet
Video Conference on BigBlueButton
Collaborative notes on ownCloud
Archive on ownCloud (read only)
Working Group Mobility
Moderator: Jakob Schweizer
Video Conference on BigBlueButton
Collaborative notes on ownCloud
Archive on ownCloud (read only)
Working Group Supply & Waste
Moderator: n.a.
Video Conference on BigBlueButton
Collaborative notes on ownCloud
Archive on ownCloud (read only)
Working Group Biodiversity & Food
Moderator: Evelyn Medawar
Video Conference on BigBlueButton