Sustainability Wiki: Intro and How-to
14 June 2021 5pm - MPSN Web Seminar with Jakob Schweizer
14 June 2021 | Time: 17:00 | virtual | Web Seminar
This event is in particular addressed to attendees of the MPSN Network Meeting 2021. Join via Gather.Town or find Zoom link in your mail inbox.
Link to the Sustainability Wiki
Speaker: Jakob Schweizer
Objectives of this Web Seminar
- Getting an introduction into the wiki
- Understanding the hierarchical layered structure
- Understand how to edit and add contents
Objectives of the Sustainability Wiki
Many researchers and institutions are trying to find and implement new practices in science to make our everyday work compatible with planetary boundaries. In many different science organizations we face similar issues when it comes to implementing sustainability measures. Therefore we decided to share thoughts, experiences, practices and resources in a common wiki which shall be used and edited by members of sustainability initiatives in science organizations and universities world wide.
Some of the information collected in this wiki is for specific institutions or organizations. Therefore, this wiki also contains sub-wikis, part of which might be closed and only accessible to members of theses institutions or organizations.